Friday, October 10, 2008

Caterpillar update

So all 5 little critters have climbed to the top of the cup, hung upside down, and each has formed his own chrysalis (not a cocoon, I found out. I just learned there's a difference between the two). It was really quite creepy. Within only a couple of hours after assuming position, it looked as if the soft skin of the caterpillars began to melt, morphing into this grayish substance that was rather gross looking. This hormone-driven pupal stage will last about a week. As soon as the chrysalides harden a bit, I will transfer them into the butterfly house to hatch.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Alright, Mrs. Jarvis!!! This is a high school biology class if I've ever seen one!! Those caterpillar's do look creepy hanging upside down like that!! I have to say, this is a very creative thing to do...I don't think I'd even think to see if I could order something like that. PS--I love the blog!!! :)