Monday, March 23, 2009

Snow in Alabama

The first day of March brought few inches of snow along with it. Just the day before, we had the pleasure of hunkering down in the cold, wet crawl space under the house while a tornado and torrential downpour passed by overhead. Thankfully, we were spared of any damage from that episode. Audrey enjoyed the snowfall immensely, although she spent more time eating the snow and less time actually playing in it. Lila had a look of wonderment about her, as well as slight bewilderment, as she surveyed the white landscape around her. We played, built a snowman, drank hot chocolate, made chicken soup and basically just had a wonderful time together as a family. Here are some of the pictures from the day. I accidentally loaded them in reverse order, but you get the idea.

Audrey warming her toes by the fire after a long day spent playing outside.

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